how long does it take to grow and avocado


Answer ( 1 )


    The time it takes to grow an avocado tree and harvest its fruit depends on whether you grow it from a seed or buy a grafted tree from a nursery.

    • Growing from seed:It takes much longer to grow an avocado tree from seed and for it to produce fruit. It can take anywhere from 5 to 13 years or even longer for a seed-grown tree to bear fruit . There is also no guarantee that a seed-grown tree will produce fruit that tastes good, as the fruit may not be the same variety as the parent avocado.

    • Buying a grafted tree:Buying a grafted avocado tree from a nursery is a much faster way to get fruit. Grafted trees are typically created by grafting a branch of a mature, fruiting avocado tree onto the rootstock of another tree. This process allows the grafted tree to inherit the fruiting characteristics of the mature tree, so you can expect to see fruit in as little as 3 to 4 years after planting .

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