how to tell what gauge your nose piercing is


Answer ( 1 )


    There are a few ways to figure out the gauge of your nose piercing:

    • Ask your piercer: This is the simplest and most reliable way to find out. They will have documented the size of jewelry they used during your piercing and can tell you the gauge.

    • Use a caliper or micrometer: These are precision measuring tools that can accurately measure the thickness of the jewelry’s post (the gauge). You can find calipers relatively inexpensively at hardware stores or online. Be careful not to squeeze the jewelry too tightly with the caliper, as this could damage it.

    • Compare to a gauge card: Some reputable body jewelry stores or online retailers will provide printable gauge cards. You can line up your nose jewelry with the card to see which size matches the thickness of the post.

    Here are some things to keep in mind:

    • Don’t use a ruler to measure the gauge. Rulers are not precise enough for this purpose.
    • When buying new jewelry, it’s crucial to get the correct gauge. Using jewelry that’s too thick can irritate or damage your piercing.

    If you’re unsure about the gauge or have any concerns, it’s always best to consult with a professional piercer.

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